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Elder Abuse Lawyers

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How We
Can Help You?

Nursing Home Abuse

Elder Abuse

plan of action

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Elder Financial Abuse

Florida’s Elder Exploitation Statute gives vulnerable adults the ability to sue a person who has victimized them through financial abuse or other abuse, neglect or exploitation. The experienced courtroom litigators at Kuhn Law Firm, P.A. in Fort Myers help vulnerable adults, their guardians or estate representatives hold abusers accountable for the damage they have caused.

Nursing Home Abuse

Florida’s Elder Exploitation Statute gives vulnerable adults the ability to sue a person who has victimized them through financial abuse or other abuse, neglect or exploitation. The experienced courtroom litigators at Kuhn Law Firm, P.A. in Fort Myers help vulnerable adults, their guardians or estate representatives hold abusers accountable for the damage they have caused.

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